Friday 21 May 2010

Pulborough brooks

Lots of bird song on Pulborough brooks this morning,whitethroat,lesser whitethroat,black cap,
nightingale,songthrush and blackbird were all in full voice.
Good views of two nightingales courting,also two treecreepers and a marsh tit in the wooded area.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Shapwick heath,Somerset levels

Over 30 hobbies at Shapwick heath this afternoon,most of them hawking insects high above Noah's hide.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Somerset Levels

Stopped off at Shapwick heath for a few hours today while driving to Weston, birds seen included
2 ravens, 2 cuckoos, 2 hobbies a male marsh harrier and a bittern flying slowly above Noah's hide. Also plenty of blackcap, and cettis' warblers singing, and a small pond full of marsh frogs.

Monday 3 May 2010


Saw my first hobby of the year today, flying above a flock of swifts & swallows over the breach pool at Pagham harbour, also a yellow wagtail at the sluice gates.
Later, watched a few pairs of little tern fishing in the harbour mouth.