Sunday 29 August 2010


Cold and windy today at Thorney island,and little of interest apart from an osprey on a low post by the deeps.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Pagham Harbour

Despite the damp and muggy weather conditions this morning,still lots of bird activity in and around the harbour today.
Wader numbers included,150+curlew,60+black-tailed godwit,15 ringed plover and 2 common sandpipers.
Other birds seen today were 20 little egrets,a flock of 30 goldfinches,10 whitethroat, 2 blackcap,and 2 wheatear.
Not so wecome are the increasing number of canada geese now taking up residence at the breach pool.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Pagham Harbour/North wall

A pleasant morning's birding today on the north wall.
On the breach pool were 30 black-tailed godwits,2 little ringed plovers,2common sandpipers and a female ruff. Out in the harbour there were 20 little egrets,12 g.herons,30+curlew,and a good number of backed gulls.Lots of sand martins, swallows and willow warblers moving through.The young male peregrine was chasing after a flock of pigeons over the harbour but failed to catch his dinner and headed back towards chichester.

Thursday 5 August 2010


Walked along the north wall at sunset this evening many birds still out in the harbour.
10 curlew including one pale cream coloured bird, 3 whimbrel, 2 grey plover and good numbers of oystercatchers and redshank.10 mute swans around white's creek.
About 300 sand martins and 50 swallows roosted in the reeds along borrows ditch.