Sunday 23 January 2011

The Burgh (south downs)

Spent a few hours around the Burgh today on the south downs above Arundel.Great views of a ringtail hen harrier which at one point flew right in front of me,also a red kite,and a male kestrel. Good numbers of yellowhammer and skylark around the edge of the fields,and at least 200 fieldfare,50 redwing and 20 corn buntings in the set-a-side field.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Pagham harbour/north wall

After all the rain of the last few weeks the north wall fields are now completely flooded and have become a haven for large numbers of waders and wildfowl.Today there were at least 3000 lapwing,1000 black-tailed godwit, and 400 golden plover as well wigeon,teal and shoveler. One of the two bitterns showed well out in the open for five minute before heading back into the cover of the reeds.

black-tailed godwits

Monday 10 January 2011

snow buntings

Amazingly close views of a pair of these stunning little birds on the sea wall at Prinstead near Thorney Island, this afternoon.

Friday 7 January 2011

Pagham harbour

A break in the weather mid morning today, gave me a chance to get in a few hours bird watching down at the harbour.Large numbers of waders and wildfowl out in the harbour and also on the flooded north fields,which included:
1000+ brent geese
1000+ wigeon
1200+ lapwing
500+golden plover and 300 black-tailed godwit.
Over on Pagham lagoon there was one male, and eight female goldeneye,at least 40 tufted duck and a female red head smew.Out on the shingle spit were oystercatchers,turnstones and knot.

tufted duck