Sunday 27 March 2011

Hooded Merganser

Got a call yesterday from Rob at Pagham harbour V.centre to tell me that there was a hooded merganser on the ferry pool.This could be the bird that was rescued in dorset and has been around lodmoor for a few years. Also alot of chiffchaffs moving through now and the first few wheatears.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Early spring at Pagham harbour

Despite the cold east wind, there were definite signs of spring in the air today down at Pagham harbour. Many of the winter ducks have already left for their northern breeding grounds and the brent geese will soon be on their way back to Arctic Russia. Some of the wadeing birds like the oystercatchers and lapwings are already starting to display and pair up.

Friday 4 March 2011


One of the first adder's of the year, just out of hibernation,basking in the early spring sunshine at Pulborough brooks reserve, it's dark colouration helping it to absorb the warmth.