Sunday 18 April 2010

PAGHAM HARBOUR/ North wall to Church norton

I walked a large part of the harbour today, starting at the North wall, where there were still a few wigeon and a male pintail on the breach pool,also a pair of GC grebes starting to display.Further along near the visitor centre had some great views of a cuckoo calling and later saw 2 flying together.
At least 20 pairs of shelduck on and around the ferry pool where they often use the empty rabbit holes to breed in. Saw my first whitethroat and first redstart of the year up the west side path as well as large numbers of willow warblers all around the reserve. At least 6 whimbrel in the harbour and a some black-tailed godwits in splendid summer plumage.
Through out the day there was a steady stream of swallows flying in off the sea,but no sign of any terns yet.

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