Tuesday 6 July 2010


Tarn 29/06-4/07

Just spent five days visiting family living in s.w.france. Did some walking and birding in the mornings but far too hot to be out walking after 2pm. Only saw two bee-eaters around the dry bank where three pairs nested last year, but it looked like at least two nest holes were being used.Had some great views of golden orioles,including a male being followed through the trees by three juveniles begging for food.
Saw my first purple herons,as well as night heron,great white egret, and lots of cattle egrets that seem to increase in number year after year.
Great views again of a short-toed eagle just hanging in the wind,other raptors included goshawk,hen harriers and lots of black kites.
Went on an amazing nightjar walk one night in an old eucalyptus plantation,with a local french naturalist, some of the best views I ever had of european nightjar, at least four birds churring,hunting and wing clapping.
Other birds seen during this trip included lots of black redstart,cirl bunting and turtle dove,but no hoopoes or shrikes.
Butterflies of interest included,swallowtail,great banded grayling,glanville fritillary,a purple emperor and masses of marble whites.
Humming-bird hawk-moths,always common in france,also so many different solitary wasps,bees and other insects.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David!

    I found the link to your blog through Frances. I have just created one: la-cuisine-de-sarah.blogspot.com

    Ben and I are going to Salvagnac on Friday for 2 weeks, he has just got some new binoculars for bird watching so your posts on the wildlife there will be useful!

    see you soon

    love Sarah
