Friday 24 December 2010

Pagham harbour/north wall

Over 1000 wigeon on and around the north fields today,also at least 12 barnacle geese,and one white fronted goose left behind from this morning's flock.

Friday 17 December 2010


Male blackcap feeding on sunflower hearts in my garden at Pagham.

Long eared owl

The harsh winter weather has once again returned to the south coast,and parts
of Pagham harbour are once again frozen solid.Many of the ducks and waders have congregated in the unfrozen water around Whites creek, and two water rails were seen out in the open on the lower north wall path.Roosting half hidden in hawthorn bushes in nearby farmland was this superb long eared owl.

Saturday 11 December 2010


Today I finally managed to get to see some of the many waxwings
that have arrived in the country this winter. A flock of about 30
birds showed very well in Petersfield today from 12.00 to 1.00pm.
The birds were very nervous and often flew off when a car passed,
but regularly returned to the same berry bushes to feed.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Garden birds

Even though most of the snow and ice has gone this morning
it's still cold and damp with rain and hail showers.
Birds seen around the garden today include,6 reed buntings
6 greenfinches,4 chaffinches,3 dunnocks,2 blue tits,2 great
tits,a blackbird and a robin.

male reed bunting

Thursday 2 December 2010

Winter at Pagham harbour

Bitterly cold down at the harbour today,with the breach pool frozen solid.
Still large numbers of wigeon and lapwing out in the harbour and lots
of dunlin feeding close to the north wall. A female merlin dashing over
the breach pool was the highlight of the day,as well as some snipe showing very well, having been forced out into the open by the frozen ground.

wigeon drake

breach pool,frozen and devoid of birds.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Pagham harbour

A very good day's bird watching down at the harbour today.Started at the north wall where the very high tide had pushed large numbers of waders out onto the north fields,lots of curlew and at least 400 lapwing regularly put up by a hunting sparrowhawk.
Out in the harbour itself about 600 brent geese,50 shelduck and a flock of a about 300 golden plover. Lots of other ducks around the shallow margins of the harbour including a few pintail as well as wigeon and teal.
While walking the narrow path around owl point I accidentally flushed a short eared owl resting in the long grass,I don't know who got more of a shock,the bird or me?
Other birds of interest seen today included two kingfishers, a grey wagtail and a few redwings feeding on the berries in owl copse.

Monday 11 October 2010

North wall/Pagham harbour

A quick walk along the north wall this evening at sunset, still some yellow wagtails roosting in the reeds at breach pool before they migrate back to africa.
The field behind the breach pool is still partly flooded after the heavy rain a week ago, so curlew
godwits and snipe were feeding there,while three roe deer were grazing the dryer parts.
At dusk a short-eared owl flew into the harbour and was immediately mobbed by two crows before landing in a dip out of sight.

Sunday 10 October 2010

breach pool Pagham

Saturday 2 October 2010

Buff-breasted sandpiper

Despite the return of more heavy rain today,I decided to go and see the buff-breasted sandpiper at Arlington reservoir this afternoon. The bird showed very well and wasn't bothered by all the "twitchers"watching it.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Pagham harbour

Started at 8.30 this morning along the north wall, it was bright and sunny but with a cool north east wind. Two peregrine falcons were causing panic amongst the gulls and waders out in the harbour,and a kingfisher showed well at white's creek. Lapwing numbers are starting to increase now, and more teal and wigeon are now moving into the harbour, a sure sign that autumn is on it's way.
Worked at the visitors' centre from 10-1.30pm then walked up the west side to Church norton.
There were two ruffs and an avocet among the waders on the ferry pool,a whimbrel and 5 egrets close to the west side path, and a redstart and 2 spotted flycatchers at Church norton.

Saturday 11 September 2010

North wall, wryneck

Walked along the north wall this morning and soon found the wryneck that's been present there for the last few days. There are now at least 25 of these rare and unusual migrants that have been reported from around the country in the last week.

Sunday 29 August 2010


Cold and windy today at Thorney island,and little of interest apart from an osprey on a low post by the deeps.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Pagham Harbour

Despite the damp and muggy weather conditions this morning,still lots of bird activity in and around the harbour today.
Wader numbers included,150+curlew,60+black-tailed godwit,15 ringed plover and 2 common sandpipers.
Other birds seen today were 20 little egrets,a flock of 30 goldfinches,10 whitethroat, 2 blackcap,and 2 wheatear.
Not so wecome are the increasing number of canada geese now taking up residence at the breach pool.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Pagham Harbour/North wall

A pleasant morning's birding today on the north wall.
On the breach pool were 30 black-tailed godwits,2 little ringed plovers,2common sandpipers and a female ruff. Out in the harbour there were 20 little egrets,12 g.herons,30+curlew,and a good number of backed gulls.Lots of sand martins, swallows and willow warblers moving through.The young male peregrine was chasing after a flock of pigeons over the harbour but failed to catch his dinner and headed back towards chichester.

Thursday 5 August 2010


Walked along the north wall at sunset this evening many birds still out in the harbour.
10 curlew including one pale cream coloured bird, 3 whimbrel, 2 grey plover and good numbers of oystercatchers and redshank.10 mute swans around white's creek.
About 300 sand martins and 50 swallows roosted in the reeds along borrows ditch.

Monday 26 July 2010


A female pied flycatcher, catching the last of the flying ants that swarmed out in the garden earlier this evening.
Probably an early autumn migrant.

Friday 9 July 2010

North Wall, Pagham Harbour

8/7/2010 8.30-9.45pm

Took a walk along the north wall at Pagham harbour last night,very quiet,only a few people around. A male peregrine flew in low across the harbour past the breach pool and out towards Chichester making a feeble atempt to catch a wood pigeon on the way.
About thirty five little egrets flew into the roost at owl's copse, some adults with this years young. Some godwits on the breach pool,and over 200 sand martins flying above it,at dusk a hobby suddenly appeared grabbed a martin and was gone again.

Tuesday 6 July 2010


Tarn 29/06-4/07

Just spent five days visiting family living in s.w.france. Did some walking and birding in the mornings but far too hot to be out walking after 2pm. Only saw two bee-eaters around the dry bank where three pairs nested last year, but it looked like at least two nest holes were being used.Had some great views of golden orioles,including a male being followed through the trees by three juveniles begging for food.
Saw my first purple herons,as well as night heron,great white egret, and lots of cattle egrets that seem to increase in number year after year.
Great views again of a short-toed eagle just hanging in the wind,other raptors included goshawk,hen harriers and lots of black kites.
Went on an amazing nightjar walk one night in an old eucalyptus plantation,with a local french naturalist, some of the best views I ever had of european nightjar, at least four birds churring,hunting and wing clapping.
Other birds seen during this trip included lots of black redstart,cirl bunting and turtle dove,but no hoopoes or shrikes.
Butterflies of interest included,swallowtail,great banded grayling,glanville fritillary,a purple emperor and masses of marble whites.
Humming-bird hawk-moths,always common in france,also so many different solitary wasps,bees and other insects.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Ferry pool,Pagham harbour

A splendid male Ruff on the ferry pool at Pagham harbour this morning,as well as the breeding pair of avocets and 38 black- tailed godwits.

Friday 21 May 2010

Pulborough brooks

Lots of bird song on Pulborough brooks this morning,whitethroat,lesser whitethroat,black cap,
nightingale,songthrush and blackbird were all in full voice.
Good views of two nightingales courting,also two treecreepers and a marsh tit in the wooded area.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Shapwick heath,Somerset levels

Over 30 hobbies at Shapwick heath this afternoon,most of them hawking insects high above Noah's hide.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Somerset Levels

Stopped off at Shapwick heath for a few hours today while driving to Weston, birds seen included
2 ravens, 2 cuckoos, 2 hobbies a male marsh harrier and a bittern flying slowly above Noah's hide. Also plenty of blackcap, and cettis' warblers singing, and a small pond full of marsh frogs.

Monday 3 May 2010


Saw my first hobby of the year today, flying above a flock of swifts & swallows over the breach pool at Pagham harbour, also a yellow wagtail at the sluice gates.
Later, watched a few pairs of little tern fishing in the harbour mouth.

Monday 26 April 2010


Three sparrowhawks displaying high over the garden at 6.30am this morning. The male doing typical "butterfly" display flight.

Sunday 25 April 2010


As I was in the area, I made quick visit to Thorney to look for the osprey. At first I couldn't find it, but then another birder spotted it on a very low fence post right of the old landing lights.
Later in the evening I took a walk along the north wall at Pagham, still lots of whimbrel around the harbour and plenty of reed & sedge warblers around the breach pool.

Sunday 18 April 2010

PAGHAM HARBOUR/ North wall to Church norton

I walked a large part of the harbour today, starting at the North wall, where there were still a few wigeon and a male pintail on the breach pool,also a pair of GC grebes starting to display.Further along near the visitor centre had some great views of a cuckoo calling and later saw 2 flying together.
At least 20 pairs of shelduck on and around the ferry pool where they often use the empty rabbit holes to breed in. Saw my first whitethroat and first redstart of the year up the west side path as well as large numbers of willow warblers all around the reserve. At least 6 whimbrel in the harbour and a some black-tailed godwits in splendid summer plumage.
Through out the day there was a steady stream of swallows flying in off the sea,but no sign of any terns yet.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Garden Robins


The male robin that spent the winter in and around the garden has now found a mate.
She often begs for food and he always obliges,this then strengthens their bond and will help build her up for egg laying later.
One female blackcap is still around,but all the reed buntings have now gone

Sunday 21 March 2010

Pagham Harbour

Started along Pagham harbour north wall this morning,still plenty of wigeon around in the north fields that are still partly flooded,also about 300 black-tailed godwits flying back into the harbour.Found my first two chiff chaff of the year at owl copse then three more in bushes around the visitors centre
Out on the ferry pool there was just one lonely avocet amongst the shelduck and wigeon.
After I walked back to the north wall I headed to the shingle spit to look for wheatear and soon found at least six near the shoreline.

Sunday 14 March 2010


Took my first trip of the year down to the New forest today.Started at Beaulieu road heath where there were at least 5 wood larks around the burnt area, and a pair of curlews displaying near Bishops dyke,then in Dennys wood I had a very close view of a woodcock that I put up. It really felt like spring in the woods with all the birds in song and many now paired up.
Next I headed up to Acres down and saw a goshawk, peregrine and some buzzards,then another birder found a hawfinch in a tree, (my first for this year)while following a pair of crossbills.
After this I then went on to Blashford lakes where there were at least 20goosander and 6 goldeneye. All in all a very good day's birding.

Monday 8 March 2010

Walberswick Marsh

Sunday was a much better day weather wise, with sun all day and only a light breeze.
The walk from Southwold to Walberswick took just over an hour,I then spent the rest of the morning around the reedbeds watching a few marsh harriers and another close view of a bittern in flight, but surprisingly I couldn't find any bearded tits.

Weekend at Suffolk

Minsmere 6/3/10
Stayed with family in Southwold at the weekend,and spent saturday at Minsmere, one of my favourate reserves on the east coast.I first went to the bittern hide and saw two bitterns (in flight) in less than an hour, also about 20 siskin, some that gave brilliant views due to the hide being at treetop level.
Next I went to the island mere hide where I watched up to five marsh harriers hunting over the reed beds, I was hopeing to see some male display diving, but I guess it's still too early.
Other birds around were med and common gulls, a spotted redshank and good numbers of shoveler.The only letdown was the weather with a bitter N.east wind.

Sunday 28 February 2010

garden birds

Despite all the rain a good number of birds in the garden this morning.
6 reed buntings, 8 greenfinches, 4 chaffinches, 2 great tits, 2 blue tits, a song thrush, and a male and female blackcap that do not tolerate one another,or the resident robin.

West dean

Saturday afternoon I took a trip up to West dean woods in the hope of seeing some hawfinches,but they weren't being very cooperative,however I did get some great views of a male hen harrier hunting the fields opposite Stapleash farm.also around the area were two red kites over a dozen buzzards,and four marsh tits near the small orchard.

Pagham spit / Pagham lagoon

At 9am saturday morning while the car was in for it's MOT I walked down to the spit for an hour's birding. A few large flocks of knot were moving out onto the shingle bank,having been forced out by the very high tide.About 200 grey plover (half way into summer plumage) were also finally pushed out of the harbour by the rising tide.
On the lagoon were 4 goldneye,(3 females and a stunning male),also 3 red breasted mergansers and a few med gulls back in summer plumage.